
Automatic Transmission Remanufacturer

One of the most sophisticated remanufacturing and testing facilities in Europe. Our main business is automatic gearbox remanufacturing, rebuilding torque converters, hydraulic valve bodies , transfer cases and differentials. Click on the buttons bellow to get a quote!


“RECRO” at the “Automechanika Frankfurt 2024”

The Latvian company “RECRO”, which specializes in the maintenance and restoration of automatic transmissions, has established many new contacts at this year’s “Automechanika Frankfurt” exhibition and has acquired potential cooperation partners in Finland, Germany and France.
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The Nissan CVT transmissions

The Nissan CVT transmissions particularly models like Juke and Qashqai has had its share of reported issues related to the Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) system. Last 2 years we have seen very upward trend when owners reported various issues with Nissan CVT...
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    RECRO was founded in 2008, when an idea of developing the most advanced automatic transmission remanufacturing facility in Europe was born.

    The dream of the founders was driven by the slogan “quality through technology” and this still continues to drive the company today.
    RECRO is one of the leaders in the Northeast European market for automatic transmission remanufacturing. The company has continued to develop more services, more products and more profit year on year.
    RECRO provides four major quality-driven services:
    remanufacturing automatic transmission systems for all vehicles types
    remanufacturing and selling automatic transmission parts - torque converters, valve bodies and solenoids
    developing and selling test adaptors for transmission load software, equipment, tools and valve bodies
    remanufacturing automatic transmission systems for commercial transport and industrial machinery
    about us

    The vision that drives RECRO is to increase our quality through technology to become the leading affordable remanufacturing facility in Europe

    Our goal is to develop gold medal solutions to satisfy our customers, suppliers and business partners.
    Our overall mission is to help our customers create added value by cutting transmission rebuilding costs and realising the financial potential that new opportunities offer.
    We honour our guarantees and promises of speedy maintenance, repair, operation and aftersales services
    We acknowledge our responsibility to the community and base our commercial success on the ethical principles that respect individuals, communities and the environment
    We promote sustainable development through the improvement of quality management and service awareness.
    RECRO has established a total internal control and quality management system certified in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2009.

    We are proud of our facility and our team is here for You! We are ready to provide excellent customer service, to take time to listen to You and meet Your needs.

    We recognise that the skills of our team is our most valuable resource and the basis of our “quality trough technology” promise.
    The RECRO team is highly qualified technically but also 100 % focussed on satisfying the complex needs of customers.
    RECRO engineers have more than 20 years experience and are trained to analyse automatic transmission development trends and to look for better solutions to reconditioning challenges. We push our team to supply sophisticated solutions to complex problems.
    The RECRO Customer Service team understands the psychology of delivering “technical quality through technology” to meet personal customer needs. Our team always takes time to listen to You and deliver the best solutions for You.

    RECRO extends its quality services throughout Europe.

    RECRO delivers its “quality through technology” message across countries such as Finland, Estonia, France, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Norway, Spain.
    Our most significant market is North Europe, split into the Baltic States and the Nordic countries
    RECRO is the largest automatic transmission re-conditioner in the Baltic States and more than 50% of its transmission and torque converter repair market is in the Baltics.
    In Scandinavia RECRO is second largest automatic transmission remanufacturer and is actively working in Sweden and Finland.

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